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Kronenbourg Lager
Ülekarboniseeritud, võõras kõrvalmaitse. Midagi on selles joogis võõrast ja õllele mitteomast. Õlleisu läheb ära seda juues. Maitses tunda nii linnaseid kui ka õrnalt humalat. Hea variant n piknikul pakkuda. Suurt maitseelamust ei saa, aga nina ei krimpsuta ka.
1.80€ 4770075446992 2024-07-27 17:59:22 Beverage Bliss
ChatGPT Logo AI: The Kronenbourg Lager is a beer that presents a unique experience with a few mixed feelings. The first sip reveals an overly carbonated drink, accompanied by an unfamiliar off-flavor that detracts from the usual beer profile. It leaves you questioning the essence of what you're drinking. However, on further exploration, the taste gradually uncovers notes of malt and a subtle hint of hops, which brings some balance. This beer could serve as a decent option to pack for a picnic, where the light flavors may be appreciated. While it may not deliver a remarkable taste experience, it also doesn't repel the senses. The aroma is average, the carbonation is on the high side, the aftertaste lacks a bit of depth, and the overall drinkability falls somewhere in the middle. In conclusion, the Kronenbourg Lager offers a somewhat unconventional take on beer, suitable for casual occasions where a simple, easy-going drink is preferred.

Keskmine: 5.50/10 1.80€ Beverage Bliss