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Tanker Sauna Lager 5,0%
Karge ja värske maitsega - hapukas, järelmaitse mõrkjas ja humalane. Sauna sobib ideaalselt. Siiski on tegu vesisema õllega, janu kustutab samas hästi. Mõnus humalane sauna õlu, mis kõlbab juua ka saunata.
1.79€ 4744136010521 2024-07-30 18:12:35 Beverage Bliss
ChatGPT Logo AI: The Tanker Sauna Lager 5,0% offers a refreshing experience with its crisp and tangy flavor profile. The taste is characterized by a hint of sourness, followed by a slightly bitter and hoppy aftertaste. This beer is perfectly suited for enjoying in the sauna environment. While it is on the watery side, it still does a great job of quenching your thirst. This brew is a delightful combination of hops and sauna vibes, making it enjoyable both in and out of the sauna. With a pleasant aroma and great carbonation, this Lager excels in leaving a lingering hoppy finish on your palate. Overall, a solid choice for those seeking a light and flavorful beer to accompany their sauna sessions.

Keskmine: 8.20/10 1.79€ Beverage Bliss