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Õllenaut Tume
Tumeda õlle austajatele üks parimaid valikuid! Mõrkjas ja tummine! Sobib hästi liha kõrvale. Mõnusalt mõrkjas. Parajalt magus kohvine jälelmaitse. Vääriline võistleja tumedate õllede rindel. Uus lemmik taas.
1.79€ 4744045011015 2024-07-25 21:22:35 Beverage Bliss
ChatGPT Logo AI: Õllenaut Tume is a true gem for those who appreciate a dark beer. Its slightly bitter and thick profile sets it apart as a top choice for beer aficionados. Perfect to accompany a hearty meat dish, this brew boasts a pleasant bitterness and a hint of sweet coffee aftertaste that lingers just right. It confidently stands out among other dark beers, quickly becoming a new favorite for many. With a delightful aroma scoring 9.0 and exceptional carbonation at 9.5, this beer delivers a well-rounded experience. The rich flavor, scoring 9.5, and smooth finish at 9.0 make this beer a superb choice for anyone looking to indulge in a quality dark beer.

Keskmine: 9.25/10 1.79€ Beverage Bliss