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Fuego Tempranillo Red 14,0% 3L
Tugevamaitseline tummisem vein. Ei meeldi neile, kes eelistavad magusat veini. Ideaalne vein n metslooma prae kõrvale. Hea punane kuiv vein mugavas 3L pakis. Mõnusalt tugeva maitsega, magusamapoolne, kuigi mitte häirivalt. Hea valik lihaprae juurde või õhtusse.
13.99€ 3263280104326 2024-09-15 22:47:43 Beverage Bliss
ChatGPT Logo AI: The Fuego Tempranillo Red 14,0% 3L is a bold and rich wine that is not for those who prefer sweet varieties. It is the perfect choice to accompany a hearty meat dish, especially wild game. This dry red wine comes in a convenient 3L package, making it great for gatherings. The flavor is robust with a hint of sweetness that is not overpowering. It pairs well with a savory meal or for a cozy evening in. With a decent aroma, balanced acidity, and a lingering aftertaste, this wine scores well in overall taste experience. Great for those who enjoy a slightly sweeter red wine without it being cloying.

Keskmine: 6.70/10 13.99€ Beverage Bliss