Event setup:
Entering products:
Entering parameters:
Adding questions to quiz:
Adding answers to item based questions:
Adding answers to general questions:
Testing user form:
Activated user form:
Guessing the rated product name:
Answering to product based question:
Filled form example:
Answering to general questions:
Real-time dashboard (secret mode, when the event is active, the product names and prices are hidden):
Scoreboard by users:
Real-time dashboard, detailed view (secret mode, when the event is active, the product names are hidden):
General overall scoreboard (by user):
Ratings given by an user (secret mode, when the event is active, the product names are hidden):
Ratings given by an user (revealed mode, when the event is closed, the product names are visible):
User detailed scoreboard (revealed mode, when the event is closed, the product names are visible):
User scoreboard, guess the item (revealed mode, when the event is closed, the product names are visible):
General scoreboard, detailed view (revealed mode, when the event is closed, the product names are visible:
General scoreboard (revealed mode, when the event is closed, the product names and prices are visible):